Following extensive consultation with local residents last autumn, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation has developed the preferred masterplan option for LG1 – Land North of Letchworth.
We were pleased to meet so many people at our events and engagement sessions last year and hear about the local community’s priorities for development. Following our engagement with the local community, stakeholders and technical work, we are now ready to present the preferred masterplan for feedback. The preferred masterplan responds to all the research, technical constraints and feedback we have gathered so far, demonstrating what we think the best solutions are based on these.
We’re keen to hear about your thoughts on the masterplan for LG1, including what you like and dislike about the preferred option and are holding a public consultation until Tuesday 26th March to capture this feedback. To share your views please complete the survey at the bottom of this page. The next step is to receive further feedback before a finalised masterplan is submitted to North Herts Council for approval.
Masterplan options feedback
We received feedback on a range of topics covering the assessment criteria for the masterplan: natural infrastructure, transport infrastructure, land use & urban design. Your feedback covers green spaces and biodiversity/landscaping, road layout, access points, local infrastructure and key views. We are also looking at the Grange Rec as part of the proposals and received valuable feedback on how we can work with the District Council to make improvements to suit the needs of the community. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback to ensure the preferred masterplan is tailored to local needs, we were delighted to speak to so many people.

Preferred masterplan
Following our consultation activities on the masterplan options from October – November 2023, and ongoing community engagement since, we have developed the preferred masterplan for LG1 below:

LG1 concept character areas
As part of the masterplanning process we have had some initial thoughts on different character areas that will form part of the masterplan for LG1, these can be seen below:

Grange Opportunities Plan
The LG1 development will generate funding through a planning agreement (known as a Section 106 agreement) with the Council. As part of this, there will be opportunities for investment into the Grange Estate. We would therefore like your views on possible improvements and have included in the plan some of the suggestions made to the Heritage Foundation and Settle Housing Association from previous discussions.

Provide your feedback on the preferred masterplan for LG1
We welcome your views on the updated masterplan and are committed to continued engagement with the local community as the proposals develop. In particular, we would welcome your opinions on what you like and dislike about the option and what you feel could be improved. Please make sure that you submit your comments by filling out the online survey below before 26th March.
These survey responses will be treated in confidence. The project team will continue to review and carefully consider all comments on the preferred masterplan.