Our Properties
We are a major landlord in the Garden City and our properties are primarily across the office, retail and industrial sectors, however we also have various miscellaneous holdings ranging from garden centres to sport fields.
Currently Available Lettings
We currently have commercial property of varying specifications available for rent. You can see our current available property here.

Brown & Lee
Brown & Lee are our commercial letting agents. If you would like to discuss anything about renting a property from us, please contact them on 01438 316655.
Property Management
Our commercial property portfolio is managed by Savills PLC. To contact them, please email LGCHF@Savills.com.
To report a building or facilities issue or a fault, please contact the Savills helpdesk on 0345 838 7627.
Rent and service charge payments should be made to Savills LLP to the account details below:
Account name: Savills (UK) Ltd Clients Account
Bank name: Lloyds Bank PLC
Account number: 14197160
Sort code: 30-80-12
IBAN: GB34LOYD30801214197160
If you wish to discuss development opportunities within the Town, or looking to start a new business or expand an existing one please do get in touch at 01462 530350. Even if we do not have current availability in our portfolio, due to the size and range of our Investments opportunities are constantly evolving and we are always happy to meet or discuss proposals.
If you have any comments, suggestions or issues you wish to raise in regards to our Investment Portfolio please e-mail us via the button on the right. Your feedback is always appreciated.
Changing your commercial property
To protect the original concepts of the Garden City, many commercial properties held Leasehold, contain management obligations (or covenants) in their deeds. These require consent for alterations materially affecting the appearance of the property.
These obligations, which are contained in the lease cover a number of areas, you should refer to your lease to establish whether or not Landlord’s Consent is required for any proposed alterations you are planning.
We've produced the following guides to help you understand the design principles as they apply to commercial properties.
Making Your Application
Our Property Team colleagues are here to help if you need to make changes to your commercial property under the terms of your lease. To consider your application, we require the following information:
- Your details, including name, address and contact telephone number plus your agent or advisor if you have one.
- A summary of the proposed works including a description of the proposed materials and colours.
- Two copies of the location plan.
- Two copies of the existing floor plans of the property and the proposed alterations.
- Two plans showing the existing and proposed elevations of the property at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100.
- A copy of your structural engineer’s report (if applicable).
- A copy of your tree surgeon’s report (if applicable).
- A cheque made payable to cover the application fee. They will confirm the correct fee once you have submitted full details of the proposal.