Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by Discover Letchworth, also available in The Comet. For more information visit the Discover Letchworth website here.
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Today, Thursday. This week’s ride is to Spokes Cycles, with Garden City Wheelers. Next week’s ride is to Abington Pigotts, with lunch at The Pig and Abbot. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the rides organiser on 01582 618196.
NH50+ Group monthly Forum: Today, Thursday. Come and join Stretch and Strength exercise class with Megan Pinner from Active Letchworth, Spring in your Step Programme. This will help you to keep active, to improve your strength, mobility and balance. Please bring your friends, and make new friends, join and support our Group. At Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. From 2pm - 4pm. Non-members £3 to join the class, £2.00 LALG members, why not pay £8.00 membership and join the Group. For more information visit or call 01462 623515.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Today, Thursday. National Theatre Live: Directed by Nicholas Hytner, this production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream will build on the success of his immersive staging of Julius Caesar (NT Live 2018). At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 6.45pm. Tickets £18 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
LDGA - The Swiss Garden: Today, Thursday. An illustrated talk by Bev Bond to Letchworth District Gardeners Association about Swiss Garden near Biggleswade. At The Cloisters, Barrington Road. Starts 7.30pm. Admission LDGA and LALG members £3, guests £4 on the door. For more information
Caring Yoga with Saibhung Kaur: Friday, October 18. Kundalini Yoga, chair to mat. This is a term time weekly drop-in class aimed at re-discovering vitality, joy and inner peace. Ideal for carers and those living with long-term conditions, the Kundalini Yoga postures can be adapted to meet most needs and can be done on a chair or on a mat. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 1.45pm – 3pm. Cost £5 per session. For more information visit
T’ai Chi sessions with Ian Deavin: Friday, October 18 and Monday 21. A weekly term time drop-in class. T’ai Chi is an ancient form of gentle stylised movement well known for its ability to strengthen leg muscles, improve balance, still the mind and enhance general health. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. Monday 12.30pm – 1.30pm, Friday 2pm – 3pm. Cost £6 per session. For more information visit
Windrush Dinner & Dance: Friday, October 18. Letchworth Caribbean Harmony Group celebrate with live entertainment. At the Jackman’s Community Centre, Ivel Court. At 7pm. Tickets adults £15, concessions £12 and Under 16’s £7.50. For more information call 07512 285060 or message via Facebook
Farmers Market: Saturday, October 19. The monthly Farmers Market selling locally produced meats, vegetables and other foodstuffs. In Leys Square. From 9am to 1pm.
Story Telling for Social Change: Saturday, October 19. How can story strengthen, encourage and nourish us as we seek and work, in perilous times, for a sustainable and inclusive relationship with Earth, all its inhabitants and each other? At GF2 Pixmore Business Centre, Pixmore Avenue. From 10am – 3.30pm. Tickets £30 plus booking fee. For more information and to book visit
Councillor Surgery: Saturday, October 19. Councillors will be available to the public to obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about services that the Council provides. At Garden Square Shopping Centre. From 10.30am – 12pm.
World Menopause Day – Meet, Talk, Move: Saturday, October 19. Meet others experiencing this life transition, talk and share thoughts and feelings, move together responding to our body stories in a supportive compassionate space. Includes a guided relaxation. At St Thomas’s Church Hall, Bedford Road. From 10:30am – 12:30pm. Tickets £8 in advance and £10 on the door. Refreshments provided.
Yin is In with Neelam Rejani: Saturday, October 19. Yin Yoga is a stilling practice that cultivates a deep sense of awareness, increases flexibility and encourages mindfulness and relaxation. The poses are held for long periods, allowing you to relax as they express patience and quiet. It is suitable for all abilities including beginners. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 2.30pm – 5.30pm. Cost £35 includes refreshments. For more information visit
Easing into Autumn with Judy Hammond: Sunday, October 20. Make the most of the creative, new-beginnings energy of autumn with a rich mixture of quiet, focused, precise movement that can be incredibly empowering and confidence-building, several periods of constructive rest on the floor plus truly delicious, flowing, easy to learn on the spot dance sequences that work the body holistically, release old energy and emotions and are simply a joy to experience. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 9.45am for 10am – 4.30pm. Cost £65 includes lunch and refreshments. For more information visit
Mindful Meditation with Neelam Taneja: Monday, October 21. A weekly term time drop-in which offers a very special opportunity to experience great peace and stillness with a master of meditation. There is no fixed fee, but a donation is suggested – which goes to support our charitable work to fund young people’s mindfulness programmes. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 12.45pm – 1.30pm. For more information visit
Be a Legion Member: Tuesday, October 22. Support the Armed Forces Community. Letchworth Branch meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday monthly at Letchworth Free Church Hall, Norton Way South. From 7.30pm. Just turn up or call on 07388 876229.
Charity Clay Shoot: Thursday, October 24. The Garden House Hospice are organising a charity clay shoot. Ticket price is £150 per person and includes an instructor, all equipment required for the day, 10 stands and 100 bird flurry, plus a breakfast on arrival and a two course lunch. At the Atkin Grant & Lang shooting ground in St Albans. From 9am to 4:40pm. For more information and to book call 01462 679540 or visit
The Greatest Show: Thursday, October 24 until Sunday, October 27. A family variety spectacular, our group has been performing shows for 39 years and this year our beneficiaries are Feed Up, Warm up and Above and Beyond Cancer Foundation. At St Francis' College Theatre, Broadway. Matinee at 2pm and Evening performance at 7:30pm. Tickets £9 and Concessions £7.
Don Pasquale: Thursday, October 24. Royal Opera House: Royal Opera favourite Bryn Terfel heads the cast for this new production of Donizetti’s comedy of domestic drama across two generations. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7.15pm. Tickets £18 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Letchworth Lace Day: Saturday, October 26. If you are interested in lace making then this event is for you. With speaker Peter Ball on the Knights Templar. At The Settlement, 229 Nevels Road. From 10am – 4pm. All day entry £5, includes tea, coffee, biscuits and cake. To reserve tickets, call Gill Richardson on 07486 564352 or email Shoppers ticket, morning only £1.50 including refreshments is available on the door.
The Broadway Plinth – Benjamin Cohen: The Weight of the Tongue: On now until Sunday, December 1. The Broadway Plinth is a new element to the gallery, a permanent fixture that will highlight single and small groupings of work by contemporary sculptors. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Cornelia Parker: One Day This Glass Will break: On now until Sunday, December 1. Southbank Centre’s Hayward Gallery Touring presents One Day This Glass Will Break, an exhibition of twenty large-scale photogravures by Cornelia Parker from three experimental series. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger: A Slow Longing Collapse: On now until Sunday, December 1. Broadway Gallery is pleased to present A Slow Longing Collapse, a solo exhibition by the artist Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger. This exhibition centres around a video installation, which presents the first episode of a planned trilogy that explores the hybridisation of nature and artifice on a global scale. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Liz Harrington: Where Land Runs Out: On now until Sunday, December 1
Focusing on transience and the fragility of the natural environment, Where Land Runs Out is part of a wider, ongoing project based on the Suffolk coast at Orford Ness and Shingle Street. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit