Your guide to some events over the coming week in the Garden City complied by Discover Letchworth, also available in The Comet.
Art & Exhibitions
Who Lived In My House: Friday, January 3 until Sunday 11 January (Fridays & Saturdays only). Uncover the hidden past in early Letchworth homes. Throughout 2019 a ‘Who Lived at my House’ project sought the ‘hidden histories’ of working men and women who came to the town and helped to build its communities. This exhibition showcases the work of children from Pixmore and Hillshott schools who learned about the history of their homes over 100 years, and the findings of a wider public who came to an event to trace the history of their home. At the International Garden Cities Exhibition, 296 Norton Way South. Open Fridays and Saturdays from 10am - 5pm.
Parade — A Celebration of Contemporary Art Textiles: On now until Sunday, February 16. Inspired by the banner Foursquare our City, designed by Edmund Hunter in 1903 to celebrate the founding of Letchworth. Bringing together 15 acclaimed international artists Parade is presented as a survey and acclamation of recent developments in visual art textiles, showcasing the many ways in which threads and fabrics are being used by contemporary artists. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Tremble | Tromos – Katherine Roberts and Sian Wilson: On now until Sunday, February 16. Tremble | Tromos is a collaboration between multidisciplinary artist Katherine Roberts and sound artist Sian Wilson exploring themes of birth and transformation. In response to Roberts’ poem Tromos the artists have created sculptural work, drawing and soundscape. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Spa Songs – Fay Zmija Nicolson: On now until Sunday, February 16. Spa Songs is a musical performance composed and choreographed by artist, Fay Zmija Nicolson. Working only with voices, the musical element of this work draws from harmonic relationships found in Early Music, along-side the DIY and anti-establishment energy of folk and punk traditions. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
The Broadway Plinth – Anna Reading – Flock: On now until Sunday, February 16. We’re pleased to announce that the 2019 Mark Tanner Sculpture Prize winner, Anna Reading, will be exhibiting a new work with us this December as part of our Broadway Plinth programme. This new work continues the artist’s exploration into the absurd relationship between the organic and the synthetic. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Health & Wellbeing
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Thursday, January 2. This week’s ride is to Abington Pigotts, with lunch at The Pig and Abbot. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18 – 20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the ride's organiser on 01582 618196.
Kids & Families
Skating in Letchworth: Thursday, January 2 until Sunday, January 5. Get the whole family skating into the New Year at Letchworth Outdoor Pool. The 20 metre by 10 metre covered real ice rink will be located on the terrace. Perfect for all ages and skating abilities, we have a range of figure skates available and skating aids to hire. As well as the ice rink, our cafe will be serving a range of festive hot food and drinks so be sure to join us! At Letchworth Outdoor Pool, Icknield Way. Tickets Adult £10, Children £7, 2 Adults and 2 Children £27, 1 Adult and 2 Children £17. Session times Monday – Friday 4pm – 9pm, Weekends 10am – 9pm. For more information including School Holiday and Christmas/New Year session times and to book visit
Baby Rhyme Time: Monday, January 6. Baby Rhyme Time is a fun session of songs and rhymes suitable for babies and toddlers of all ages. At Letchworth Library, Broadway. From 10.30am – 11am. Free event.
Toddler Tales: Wednesday, January 8. Toddler Tales is a mixture of lively stories and rhymes. Aimed at toddlers and pre-school children. At Letchworth Library, Broadway. From 2.15pm – 2.45pm. Free event.
Talks, Lectures and Tours
Hitchin and Letchworth RSPB — My Journey in Wildlife Photography: Friday, January 3. A talk by Ben Andrew. Ben, a wildlife photographer, runs the RSPB’s photographic library. He tells us about his journey, success and failures and how he has developed specific photo projects to tell stories through imagery. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts 7.30pm. Visitors welcome £3.
Theatre, Film, Music & Dance
Letchworth Film Club: Sunday, January 5. This month’s film club screening is The Happy Prince. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 7.45pm. Annual membership £33, concessions and LALG members £28. Guests £5, concessionary guests £4 on the door. For more details call Peter on 01462 671679 or visit
Letchworth Music Club: Wednesday, January 8. Letchworth flautist Emma has worked with pianist Daniel King Smith since 2008. Together, they have performed at venues including St. David’s Hall (Cardiff), Gower Festival, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Benslow Music Trust, Bath International Music Festival and the “La Côte” International Flute Festival 2016 (Switzerland). At Howgills, 42 South View. Starts at 7.45pm. Guest Tickets at the door £15, £7.50 children/students. For more details call visit
Town & Community Events
St. Michael’s Coffee Morning: Friday, January 3. Coffee, tea and cake, chat to friends old and new. All welcome, proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. At St. Michael’s Church Parish Hall. 10.30am to 12pm.
Letchworth Craft and Collectables Market: Saturday, January 4. Browse the market stalls for upcycled, pre-loved and handmade crafts, including vintage & retro items, paintings & prints, homeware, china & ceramics, embroidery & knitting and much more! At Leys Avenue. From 10am – 4pm. For more details visit
St. Paul’s Community Café: Saturday. January 4. Come to our Community Café. Every 1st Saturday monthly, we welcome everyone to join us for free refreshments, live music and board games. We will also have a donation point for Letchworth Foodbank and a pre-loved children’s clothes and toys stall. At St Paul’s Church Pixmore Way. From 10.30am – 12pm.
Wilbury Community Café: Saturday, January 4. Free cuppa and cakes, plus all the usual regular things: family play session, dance workshop, crafts and knitting, pennies and pounds stall. Uniform stall and Tesco’s Best Before groceries. Including a special feature on cutting plastic pollution, plus a craft activity based around hopes and dreams for 2020. Join us for our AGM . At the Wilbury Hall, Bedford Road, between 10:45am 12.30pm. Family play session 10am ‑11.30am and dance workshop 11.30am ‑2pm.
Letchworth Town Talk:Tuesday, January 7. A public event and an informal invitation for residents to meet NHDC Councillors and raise an issue or topic for discussion. At Council Offices, Gernon Road, from 6.30pm to 7.15pm. The Town Talk will be followed by Letchworth Area Committee at 7.30pm. For more information visit:
Pick-n-Mix: Wednesday, January 8. Drop in for tea and biscuits, have a chat and make new friends. Various activities and themed sessions. Refreshment kindly donated by the Co-Op. A warm welcome awaits. At Letchworth Library, Broadway. From 10.30am 12pm.