Positive Movement success in Letchworth

Based on a form of Yoga and the principles of the Alexander Technique, the classes are specifically for older people and those with mobility problems.  Attendees are taught how to make changes in posture and simple movements to minimise pain and muscle strain.  

Sixty people enrolled for the classes and feedback has been incredibly positive, with users commenting on the benefits to their balance, mobility and mental health.  In addition, there are also social benefits that come with joining a group activity each week, as one participant’s daughter commented: “My 85-year-old mother attends every week and really benefits from the exercise as she has very poor balance and an extremely painful back but even more it gives a positive social benefit as she lives alone and cannot get out of the house without support.”

Andy Nazer Project Development Manager, Letchworth Centre of Healthy Living commented: “We really are most grateful to the Heritage Foundation for funding this series of Positive Movement classes. Without this funding many older Letchworth residents would have been excluded from participating in any physical activity and many social activities.”

Classes will continue to run during 2017 at the Jackmans Community Centre, Howard Hall and St. Thomas Church Hall. For more information please contact the team on: 01462 678804 or email: Positivemovement@letchworthcentre.org

Positive Movement benefited from a Heritage Foundation grant