Garden City Meeting - 21st June 2023

If you would like more detailed information about the annual accounts, or anything else that the Heritage Foundation has been up to in 2022, you can find it in our Annual Report, which was launched at the meeting. You can pick up a copy of the 2022 annual report from reception at One Garden City, or read it (and previous years' reports) online here

The second half of the meeting took the form of a lively Q&A session, with questions being raised on a variety of subjects including town centre regeneration, sustainability, diversity and inclusion and the environment.

The whole team would like to extend their thanks to all of those who took the time to attend the meeting - we hope you found it useful.

A full house at The Garden City Meeting 2023

The board of trustees, governors and leadership team of the Heritage Foundation were pleased to welcome so many Letchworth residents to the annual Garden City Meeting on 21st June 2023.  The event took place at Broadway Hotel and was attended by well over 100 residents and representatives of local organisations.

The meeting began with presentations from Chair of the Board of Trustees, Gareth Hawkins, Chief Executive Graham Fisher and Executive Director of Finance, Matt Peak.  The finance presentation included a short video highlighting our successes and challenges of the year which you can see below.

Graham Fisher gave an in-depth presentation on the challenges and successes of 2022, and looked forward to those objectives for 2023 which we had met, and were continuing to work on.  You can read the slides from his presentation here.