During this period of self-isolation, many of will experience ups and downs with our health and wellbeing. These are difficult times and staying at home can be lonely and challenging. In Letchworth, we are lucky to have several organisations who can help you, particularly if you are self-isolating. From doing your shopping, collecting prescriptions to walking your dog, help is at hand with our Community Response Team.
Here are our top 10 health and wellbeing tips we’d like to share to help you through this time:
- Stay Social: Call family or friends – or your neighbours – when you want to. Social media is a great way to keep in touch if you have access to it. If you have a smartphone, video calls are fantastic. See if a family member or neighbour can help you out with the technology if you’re having problems with phones or computers.
- Stay Active: Exercises can be done at home as well as outside to keep you mobile – there are a lot of online videos that are free. Age UK have some brilliant resources, or why not try a YouTube Yoga course?
- Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are so many local organisations that can help, plus friends, family and neighbours (see below for more).
- Keep it Fresh: Opening windows and doors to let in fresh air helps with health and wellbeing. Get out in the garden if you have one and boost that immune system!
- Balanced Diet: Make sure you are eating a nutritious, balanced diet in order to stay healthy, and fight infection.
- Read: This is a great way to escape the real world, our local library offers lots of online options on all topics.
- Be Creative: Learn a new skill or hobby, for example, drawing, puzzles, knitting, or even colouring. This will keep you busy and focussed – and you could end up with something lovely at the end to enjoy!
- Get Organised: Sorting out that paperwork at home can be great for the mind, or decluttering or planning. Having an organised space at home creates a clear head as well as space – great for health.
- Learn: Now’s the time to learn something you’ve always been interested in but have never had the opportunity to. Whether it’s learning a language, cooking, history, keeping your mind active is important whatever age we are.
- Sweet Dreams: Restful sleep is vital for a healthy immune system. Sticking to a regular schedule for going to bed and waking up will equal quality sleep. Try to avoid looking at screens, eating late and exercising before bed.
Please remember, if you need help, there are lots of organisations who can help.
Useful contacts:
Heritage Foundation Community Response Team
For help and support with shopping, medical supplies, plus general information and advice.
01462 530360
Age UK Hertfordshire
0300 345 3446
British Heart Foundation
Provides information and support for people with heart disease.
0300 330 3311
Citizens Advice North Herts
Help with benefit issues, debt advice, legal and employment issues.
03444 111 444
First Garden City Homes
Provide essential shopping and prescription collection service to FGCH residents over 70 years or those with a disability. Contact for concerns about rent payments or emergency repairs.
01462 683307
Healthy Hub North Herts
Information and advice on health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
01462 474111
Hertfordshire Mind Network
A helpline for emotional support and signposting for those experiencing mental health distress.
01923 256391
Herts Help
Support and guidance on a variety of issues from home support to health and wellbeing.
0300 123 4044
NHS 111 online
To access medical help near you or check coronavirus symptoms.
111 (please use the online service in the first instance if possible)
Check if you have coronavirus symptoms
Letchworth Foodbank
Call for more information on emergency food parcels.
07825 300 437