Growing Together

Growing Together

"Our entry turns the usual process of development on its head. Rather than fitting greenery around the development we are using the dual meaning of the word ‘plot’ to create a framework of plots for food growing that can then become plots for development. We are taking the core Garden City Principles of healthy communities, food growing, generous green spaces and a strong vision into a modern day context, and doing so in a way that is both innovative and deliverable.

Our masterplan seeks to replicate the process of setting out plots that can be developed for both food and housing. The idea is to create a plot structure across the whole site using tree planting and then allow the neighbourhood to grow onto this frame. The structure of this masterplan is based on a series of neighbourhoods, or Hamlets, laid out along an avenue with densities rising towards the avenue and decreasing towards the edge of the site."

Below you are able to download the Design Statement for Growing Together as well as the accompanying board plans and details. There is also an image gallery with visual representations of how the new homes and estate might look. 

Design Boards

Growing Together Image Gallery